What are your 3D printing guidelines?
Please see our 3D Printing Guidelines handout.
The County Library accepts printing requests based on the following requirements:
- Files must be submitted in STL or OBJ format.
- Only PLA filament is available for printing; users may not bring their own filament.
- Requests may take no longer than 6 hours to print, and must not exceed 100 grams (including supports, rafts, or brims), per submission.
- Patrons must pay $0.06 per gram of material used per print job.
The estimated weight that is calculated during slicing will be used to determine the price of the print job. Print quality is not guaranteed. Creations exceeding the time and weight limitations will require library staff consultation.
The Library’s 3D printers may be used only for lawful purposes. The County Library’s3D printers may not be used to create material that is:
- Prohibited by local,state, or federal law.
- A dangerous weapon as defined in Utah Code §76-10-501(6)(a).
- An item judged to be obscene or inappropriate for the Library environment.
- The CountyLibrary reserves the right to refuse any 3D printing requests.
- PLA filament is notcertified as “food safe”.
- The user assumes all liability for 3D printed items and designs